What Is a Player ID in Roblox? [All You Need to Know]

Alvaro Trigo Avatar

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Roblox is a popular online gaming platform that lets users both play and develop games for others. Much like other gaming platforms, Roblox has a way of ensuring that each player can be identified easily despite having millions of users on its platform.

In this post, we will discuss how unique player identification works, what is a game player ID in Roblox, and how you can find your player ID.

What is a Player ID in Roblox?

What Is a Player ID in Roblox?

The player ID in Roblox is a unique identification for each Roblox account. It’s kind of a username but in a numeric form. It’s created when the user creates his account for the first time and can be found on the profile link of each user.

In Roblox, the player IDs have the same purpose as the group IDs, item IDs, and experience IDs. They basically serve as an internal way to create relationships between different Roblox items and features.

Unlike their display names, the player ID cannot be edited.

How to Find Your Player ID in Roblox?

Now that you know what is a player ID in Roblox, here’s how you can find your specific player ID:

Step 1. Access to Roblox Website

Roblox Website - Find Player ID in Roblox

Step 2: Log in to Your Roblox Account

Log in - Find Player ID in Roblox

Step 3: Click Your Profile Photo

Profile Photo - Find Player ID in Roblox

Step 4: Copy the Player ID From the URL

The player ID is the number placed between “users” and “profile” words.

Copy From URL Your Player ID in Roblox

How to Find Roblox Player ID on Mobile?

Here’s how you can find your Roblox player ID on your mobile device.

Step 1: Open Chrome Browser on Your Mobile Device

You can also open a different browser.

Open Browser - Find ID Roblox on Mobile

Step 2: Access Roblox Website

Roblox Website - Find ID Roblox on Mobile

Step 3. Click “Continue on Browser”

Continue on Browser - ID Roblox on Mobile

Step 4: Log In to Your Roblox Account

Log in - Find ID Roblox on Mobile

Step 5: Click on Your “Username”

Click Username - Find ID Roblox on Mobile

Step 6: Tap the URL

Tap URL - Find ID Roblox on Mobile

Step 7: Click the “Pencil” Icon to Edit the URL

Tap Pencil Icon - Find ID Roblox on Mobile

Step 8: Copy the Player ID From the URL

Copy The ID Roblox on Mobile

How to Find Another Roblox Player ID?

You can find the ID of another Roblox player by following the same steps to find your player ID. The only difference is that you have to enter the profile of the other player instead of your profile. Here are the main steps to follow:

  • Step 1. Access To Roblox Website
  • Step 2. Log In To Your Roblox Account
  • Step 3. Look for your friend’s profile
  • Step 4. Copy the player ID from the URL. The ID is between “users” and “profile” words.


What to Do With Roblox Player ID?

What To Do With Your Roblox Player ID

A player ID in Roblox can be used in different ways:

  • Connect Easily With Others. For example, if a friend of yours is having difficulty finding your account using the usual friend search, then you can give your friend your player ID. He or she can search for you by using entering your player ID on the address bar.
  • Redeem Robux. Roblox requires the player ID for redeeming Robux as well as other elements.
  • Developer Purposes. The Roblox player ID is important for Roblox developers because all the player data is tied back to this ID.

Is Your Roblox Player ID Your Username?

No, Roblox player ID and Roblox username are not the same. The Roblox username is the name that other players will see for your account and it can be changed. However, the Roblox ID cannot be changed. It is used for other purposes, like easily finding another player or redeeming Robux.

Now that you know what is a player ID in Roblox, we recommend that you check what is your Roblox ID in case you need it in the future.

We have explained how to do it on mobile and on your computer.

Unique Identification of Users With Roblox User ID

In this article, you have learned what is a game player ID in Roblox, how to get it, and what to do with it.

The number of Roblox users has grown significantly in the last few years and the gaming platform now has millions of users.

The player ID in Roblox is a series of numbers assigned to each user. Fortunately, it is easy for you to find in Roblox your player ID.

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