Choose a license

Below are the official fullpage.js Commercial License terms, as well as a plain English summary of the terms. These summaries are provided for your convenience, but are not binding; your use of fullpage.js is governed by the full license terms.

fullpage.js Commercial "Hobby"" License Agreement


  1. Application” means any software, application, or elements that Your Licensed Developers develop using the Software or Modifications in accordance with this Agreement.
  2. End User” means an end user of Your Application who acquires a license to such solely for their own use and not for distribution, resale, user interface design, or software development purposes.
  3. Website” means a page or group of pages within a single domain name.
  4. Licensed Developer” shall mean an individual person permitted to use the Software and make Modifications for your Applications, whether such person is Your employee or a consultant or contractor providing services to You.
  5. Modification” means any revision, adaptation, or derivative of the Software produced by You.
  6. The “Software” means fullpage.js , including all updates thereto and major versions thereof.
  7. Subscription” – the business model adopted by Licensor and spelled out in these Terms in which You get to access Deliverables pursuant to the Agreement

Commercial license grant


Prohibited Uses


Disclaimer of Warranties

Limitation of Liabilities


Payment and Taxes


License Key

Maintenance and Support

Saas / OEM
