If you want to be able to scroll sections horizontally, then fullPage.js for Elementor is what you need.
This widget allows you to create one or multiple sections with multiple horizontal slides in them.
You will be able to scroll sections horizontally by using the mouse wheel, trackpad or by swiping the screen of your mobile phone sideways.
Install fullPage.js plugin
Get fullPage.jsOpen the Page Settings
Under General Seettings, click on the fullPage.js Settings
Enable fullPage.js
Click on the + Icon and add an inner section
Open the "Elementor Structure" panel
Remove one column from the inner section
Duplicate the inner section to create another horizontal slide
Select the parent "Section" and enable "Has Horizontal Slides".
You can read more about it in the docs
(Optinal) If you want to be able to use the mouse wheel to slide right and left, open the page settings
Enable fullPage.js "Extensions"
(Optinal) Enable the "Scroll Horizontally" extension
To make the horizontal scrolling faster, you need to set the "Scrolling Speed" value, under the "Scrolling" section, to a lower number. For example, 500. (0.5 seconds)
To make the horizontal snap scrolling slower, you need to set the "Scrolling Speed" value, under the "Scrolling" section, to a higher number. For example, 2000. (2 seconds)
Sure! You can add navigation bullets on the horizontal sections by enabling the "Slide Navigation" option.
Yeap! You can turn horizontal slides into vertical sections by enabling:
1) The Responsive option and define a threshold in pixels.
2) The "Responsive Slides" extension.
Yes you can! Just use the value of the anchor of each of the slides and add it to your menu links.
Check out these amazing websites using a scroll animation for horizontal sections.