Enhance your site with Elementor parallax scrolling — create stunning parallax effects for your backgrounds with fullPage.js for Elementor plugin and the Parallax Add-on.
Use a parallax effect for your Elementor sections and snap to them with a beautiful effect.
Install fullPage.js plugin
Get fullPage.jsOpen the Page Settings
Under General Seettings, click on the fullPage.js Settings
Enable fullPage.js
Open the "Extensions" section
Click on "Enable fullPage Extensions"
Enable the "Parallax Effect" extension for Elementor
Sure! Actually, that is what this parallax effect is all about. The background images will move at a different speed than the rest of the page while scrolling, thus creating this beautiful parallax animation.
You don't ave to do much if you use the fullPage.js plugin for Elementor together with the parallax add-on. As long as you activate the parallax option, the background images of your sections will automatically have the parallax effect.
No. As with most quality products, this add-on is not free.
However, you can check how it looks here. Purchase it and give it a try! There is a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not happy with the results as long as you do not activate the parallax effect for your website domain.
Yes. The parallax scroll created by fullPage.js works with most Elementor themes. And if you experience any issues, we will happily take a look at your case and help you out.
Yes. Check out this tutorial to learn how to use the parallax effect in Elementor.
Oh yes! You'll be able to use parallax scrolling on mobile devices and it will still scroll smoothly.
Sure! You can apply the parallax effect to as many sections are you want to.
Check out these amazing websites using parallax scrolling. Built with fullPage Elementor plugin.