If you want to set a custom speed for the snap effect in Elementor so you can scroll faster or slower, then fullPage.js for Elementor is what you need.
You can have total control over the time it takes for the snap scroll effect to complete and its animation.
Install fullPage.js plugin
Get fullPage.jsOpen the Page Settings
Under General Seettings, click on the fullPage.js Settings
Enable fullPage.js - And get the Snap Scroll effect
Open the "Scrolling Settings"
Change the value on the "Scroll Speed" option.
(This option allows you to set the snap scrolling speed in milliseconds. 1000 = 1 second, 2000 = 2 seconds).
More in the docs.
To make the snap scrolling faster, you need to set the "Scroll Speed" value to a lower number. For example, 500. (0.5 seconds)
To make the snap scrolling slower, you need to set the "Scroll Speed" value to a higher number. For example, 2000. (2 seconds)
No. The CSS solution used by Elementor and other website builders will not allow you to change the speed of the scrolling effect. Plugins like fullPage.js for Elementor provide more flexibility and options for customizing the scrolling speed because they are JavaScript-based.
Yes. fullPage.js plugin can be configured to use a scroll bar and at the same time allow you to change the scrolling speed of the snap effect.
Check out these amazing websites using scroll snap scrolling at different speeds. Built with fullPage Elementor plugin.