How to Format Big Text on Discord [+ Other Text Formats]

Alvaro Trigo Avatar

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Sometimes, using the plain and boring custom text format isn’t enough to convey your messages’ emotions. Fortunately, Discord is aware of this, so they added a markdown feature to help you make your text stand out more. 

Ready to add some flavor to your messages? In this article, you will learn how to make big text on Discord.

Discord Big Text

How to Get Discord’s Big Text Format

To get Discord’s big text format, add a hashtag (#) and a space before you type your text for large text. For medium-sized text, add two hashtags. Finally, add three hashtags to make small headers. 

If you want a large text on your Discord message, format your message as “# insert your text here”. Notice there should be a blank space between the hashtag and your text.

Discord uses a markdown feature to make text larger than its default format. This simple markup language utilizes special characters like hashtags and asterisks to format plain text. 

What Are Other Available Text Formats on Discord?

Apart from using hashtags to format text as headers, there are other text formats that you can use when typing messages on Discord. These formats allow you to emphasize the most important part of your messages, thus engaging the receiver to read them. 

Here are the other available text formats on Discord:

1. Basic Text Styles

Discord’s basic text involves bold, underlining, italics, and strikethrough. If you’re sending a long message, it’s easy to miss important points, such as date, time, and location. By formatting these important points using basic text styles, you can improve the clarity of your message.

Here’s how to format basic text styles on Discord:

  • Bold (**).
    Use two asterisks at the start and end of the text. For example: **Bold text**.
  • Underline (__).
    To underline a message, type two underscores at the start and end of it. For example: __Underlined text__. 
  • Italics (*).
    Italicizing text, you either type one asterisk or underscore before and after typing it. For example: *Italicized text* or _Italicized text_.
  • Strikethrough (~~).
    Using two tilde signs (~) will strikethrough your text on Discord. You can use this format to signify a correction. For example: ~~Strikethrough text~~.

2. Subtexts

How to Format Subtexts on Discord

Subtexts are texts that are smaller than the custom text format. It’s usually used when typing additional text, such as a note under the primary message.

To format your message as a subtext, add a dash, hashtag, and a space before typing your text. For instance, “-# This is a subtext”. 

Find out more about how to get small text in Discord.

3. List

Listing items under Discord’s big text makes them more concise, allowing the message’s receiver to scan them more quickly and remember critical details. For instance, it’s easier to understand instructions when they’re written in bullet points than when they’re explained in a paragraph. 

To make a list on Discord, you can use a dash (or an asterisk) and a space at the start of each list item.

Here’s how your Discord message should look like if you want to format it as a list:

  • – This is a list item formatted using a dash.
  • * This is a list item formatted using an asterisk.

You can also indent your text if you want it to fall under the primary list item by adding two spaces after the dash or asterisk.

4. Block Quotes & Spoiler Tags

Format Block Quotes and Spoilers on Discord

Using block quotes can help you highlight a sentence or paragraph from the rest of your message. Meanwhile, spoiler tags are used to hide a part of your text. 

Here’s how to format block quotes and spoiler tags:

  • Block Quotes (>).
    Add a greater than sign and a space before the text. For example: “> Add your text here”.
  • Spoiler Tags (II).
    You can hide spoilers in your message by adding two vertical bars (|) before a text. For example: “||This is a spoiler”. 

Find out more about spoiler tags on Discord Support or by checking out how to blackout text on Discord.

Want to learn more about special text formats on Discord? Check out this article from Discord Support.

Discord’s Big Text & Special Text Formats

Combining different text formats, such as large text on Discord, allows you to express the emotions in your message more effectively. Now that Discord has a markdown formatting system, you never have to type a paragraph-long message only for the receiver to miss the crucial points. This makes your messages more concise and easily understandable. 

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