15+ Amazing Musician Websites [Examples You’ll love]

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You can draw inspiration from musicians who have designed their websites successfully. This list is for the solo artist or band member trying to develop their musician website to advertise themselves, attract followers, and sell merch, or trying to establish their own online music archive.

Taking inspiration from one of these elegant and sophisticated musician website designs will make it simple to get your site ready to captivate your target audience. Save big bucks on expensive design initiatives and time spent waiting for inspiration by looking through this list.

1. Otaam

Otaam - A Beautiful Example Of A Great Musican Website

The first one in our list of the best musician website examples is Ottam. This site opens with the image of the DJ in the backdrop, at his stage, with the equipment and creative lighting.

The professional image combines with the dark, slightly strobing aesthetic to evoke imagery of a club interior.

The main name is written in bold typography to draw attention to itself and create a natural progression to the rest of the site.

From here, one can get information on live performance schedules, tour timetables, social media buttons, and playable SoundCloud media to sample the music Otaam makes.

2. Im Really A T-Rex

Im Really A T-Rex - Musician Personal Website

This musician website example opens with the image of the artist in question. The choice to go shirtless seems to be on-brand, as it works well with the overall tone of the rest of the site, including the typography and dark colors.

Below the succinct intro is a clickable banner with a dino skull, and the CTA ‘New Drop! Listen Here!’ crawls from right to left on the screen, before transitioning to another image of the artist and a continuation of his history. The cursor is custom, as are many of the elements on the site.

3. Benjamin Righetti

Benjamin Righetti - Website Of A Swiss Style Musician

This musician’s website whole design is based on the Swiss style, which means Helvetica and discipline in graphic development.

The storyline evolves in a smooth fashion for easy reading, the letters seem to dance to the beat of the scroll, sometimes vertically, sometimes horizontally. From the very beginning of the experience, with the initial scroll that triggers the expansion of Benjamin’s image, surprise features interrupt the journey and keep the user on the lookout.

In addition to that, the musician’s website design makes good use of composition, content, and animation to make the site more interesting.

4. Sivert Høyem

Sivert Høyem - Personal Musician Website Example

Høyem has a distinct style to his person and music, something that comes across quite clearly when looking at his site. It opens on a rather impromptu-looking photo of the man, cut off abruptly halfway down his torso, to give way to links to all the platforms when you can find his music.

After that, you can check out his albums, which are labeled properly with the name, the year of release, and a thumbnail. It has links to Bandsintown and Songkick to ensure that fans get notified when he is around. A really good example of what a musician’s website should include.

5. Rémi Jousselme

Rémi Jousselme - Website For a Guitarist Musician

Jousselme is a classical and contemporary guitarist with a site that takes a unique approach. The images turn into a kind of shutter formation when hovered on, a feature that is used to make the site more interesting.

At the very top of this musician’s website example is a sticky but subtle banner to direct listeners to the Facebook, SoundCloud, and YouTube accounts of the guitarist. After that, we get a short biography and then more pictures. At the very bottom, the same links to accounts are included, as well as contact and press kit links.

6. Kenji Edo

Kenji Edo - Website Of A Great DJ Musician

Choosing a dark backdrop for his site, Endo uses the contrast of black and white colors to emphasize the message, the album cover, the text and so much more.

It is hard to miss anything on the site given the choice of colors.

There are also links to SoundCloud, other music sites, and social media. The menu is not your typical three lines but a cube demarcated into nine parts.

Each of those parts leads to a different page, including the about and news pages.

Related article: Great DJ software for Mac.

7. Gentil Musician Website

Gentil Musician Website

Gentil prefers to go the candid way, using photos of himself in various poses depicting happiness, passion, and enthusiasm for his job. The website showcases everything, from audio to video files, without losing consistency.

The font may seem a bit light at first but are completely legible. The background of the website is not wasted, featuring watermark-style photos of the musician, posing with a big smile. It is a warm kind of website that lets visitors get to know Gentil and sample his music right there.

8. Batzorig Vaanchig

Batzorig Vaanchig - Mongol Muscian Website

This musician’s website is an example of just how important exposure is for an artist. As a unique artist practicing arts that are otherwise niche and based around a specific culture in a country that is out of the way, Vaanchig’s website is our window into his world.

It is neatly laid out, with social media buttons, a Patreon link and a contact me CTA at the top. There are also photos of the artist in gorgeous garb, with awesome color usage, and a historical timeline that chronicles his journey in an interesting way.

9. Olly Murs

Olly Murs - Example Of Simple Website For A Musician

Olly Murs’ website is a simple but functional one with access to the newsletter, official store, social media links, music platform links, and a huge photo of the singer. The color scheme chosen seems deliberate and meant to contrast with his clothes, the font color, and differently-colored sections of the site.

There are dates for the tour on this musician’s website template and an option to sign up for a newsletter so every bit of news reaches the audience. It is a brief way to not only introduce, but also market the artist.


MØ - Simple And Modern Musician Webpage

The website is simple, like the Olly Murs one, given that they seem to have been created by Sony Music Entertainment UK. Where Murs took a simple approach, MØ opts for sleek and buttery smooth transitions, as we are taken from the homepage’s main picture of the musician to her appearances, schedule, and more.

The sleek transitions do not even give away the fact that you are moving from the top to the bottom. In a few scrolls, everything is served to a visitor, with a link to a newsletter, videos, music, and store.

If you like the horizontal scroll on this page, check out how to create horizontal scrolling with mouse wheel.

12. Claire Soulier

Claire Soulier - Personal Website Of A Great Musician

Claire Soulier makes the bold choice to use a background that mimics old grainy TVs trying to find a signal, but with finer grains. You might think it would be disruptive or counterproductive but it actually works and is in line with the main throughline of the website.

From this site, you can see the introductory video, play some music on the site, see the albums, check out dates for performances and have access to pages like acting, music, see me live, all posts, and contact. At the bottom are social media and music platform buttons.

13. Joshua Espinoza

Joshua Espinoza - Pianist Musician Website

Espinoza’s website opens with a photo of the pianist on a background of a yellowish hue. The photo is professionally taken for the best lighting. Right below that is a playable video from YouTube and a CTA to watch the latest videos and subscribe to YouTube.

There are links to Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, and Amazon to listen to or buy the offered records. Right below that, you will find an option to follow tour updates, check upcoming performances, and even see where and when he performed in the past.

14. Sander Alex

Sander Alex - A Website For A Guitarist Music Teacher

This musician website is a rare one-pager that manages to fit everything onto this one page without making it feel cluttered. We are introduced to the musician in a well-lit, beautifully taken photo, with his name in large bold typography right below him.

It also comes with the standard fare in form of social media, music platforms, and a Patreon button. You can also buy his music and pay with PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, or American Express with ease, making it more than just a place to find music.

If you are a music teacher, you have to check these amazing teachers websites to get some inspiration, or even these great website templates for teachers.

15. Dennis Fuller

Dennis Fuller - Website For Music Composer, Producer And Studio Musican

Dennis’ site feels full, much like his name. We don’t mean cluttered. Just very information-dense in a digestible and impressive way. On this one musician site, we are introduced to Dennis, his work, and his talents. The color palette is perfect, staying consistent across the site, and even matching his outfit.

All the companies that he has worked with are showcased, not just in videos you can readily watch, but also with their very recognizable logos. After that, we are treated to some candid shots of the composer in various locations, performing. It is, warm and informative, all at once.

16. Magik Magik

Magik Magik - Simple Website For A Simple Musician

A super simple website for a simple musician.

The website contains just the very basics. Some videos to listen to the songs, a Spotify playlist, SoundCloud songs, and a couple of pictures.

There’s a clear call to action button at the top that makes it very easy to purchase Minna Choi music.

If you are more into bands rather than a solo musician, check out these website templates for music bands. You might also find some inspiration there!

What Should a Musician’s Website Include?

1. The About Page

One of the most crucial pages on your website is your about page because a decent one can sometimes be all it takes for visitors to discover who you are.

2. The Music

Make sure visitors can access your music from any music streaming service, such as Spotify, SoundCloud, or iTunes, to your website.

3. Photographs

It’s crucial to have high-quality images from shows or photoshoots when pitching yourself since you want to appear as sophisticated and polished as possible.

4. Video

Including videos of yourself, whether from Vimeo or YouTube, is a terrific idea. Videos demonstrate your on-stage chemistry as well as your personality when you’re not performing. Check to see if your videos are shareable on social media networks.

5. Social Media

The greatest approach to keep a community of fans and promoters engaged with you is to use social media. If you don’t have social media, you should get one, and making sure it’s easily available on your website via widgets is just as crucial!

6. Contact page

It’s crucial to have a contact form on your musician’s website for people to reach you via email, but including your phone number also indicates that you care about your fans reaching you. Having an affinity for texting is a great way to engage them.

7. Upcoming Events

Make it clear when and where people can see you perform. We discover so many new musicians and would often like to know where they will be performing at.

8. Merchandise

Often, fans will want something physical from artists, such as a t-shirt, badge, or vinyl record. Having a merch store on your website with reasonable prices will make you appear more professional to promoters looking for a good turnout at their venue and help your fans get merch that is also marketing for you.

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