Ever wondered if your Minecraft villagers have a secret talent for climbing ladders? Well, the answer might change how you design and protect your villages!
Whether you’re crafting the perfect NPC community or fortifying against the nighttime mobs, understanding if villagers can climb ladders or scaffolding is a game-changer.
Come explore with us as we uncover the secrets of going up and down in Minecraft’s blocky universe and find out why it’s crucial for your virtual villagers!

Can Villagers Climb Ladders?
Yes, villagers can climb ladders in Minecraft, although it happens so rarely that you’ll have to be observant to see it. Villagers don’t recognize ladders as paths, and this behavior can leave them stranded on high structures as they can’t descend intentionally.
A fix for players to push the villager back is to install a wooden trapdoor at the top or break the first ladder on the ground to prevent climbing.
Villagers can also climb stairs, specifically if you put a composter on the top part of a player-made stairs. However, villagers only climb ladders or stairs if they have a goal in doing so.
In Minecraft, villages are vibrant places filled with friendly characters engaged in useful activities. You commonly know these characters as villagers.
You’ll find farmers, fishermen, fletchers, butchers, clerics, armorers, and more, including the quirky nitwit. Villagers can also take on roles like leatherworkers, librarians, masons, cartographers, shepherds, toolsmiths, and weaponsmiths.
Curious about villagers and their professions? Find out more about them in our article on how to get villagers to restock in Minecraft!
Meanwhile, ladders help you climb vertical surfaces and save you from fall damage. If you fall next to a ladder, your speed decreases, and you won’t take any damage. Pressing shift on a ladder holds you in place but slows down mining.
If you end up with excess ladders and live in a small house, you can use them as fuel for furnaces.
Can Villagers Climb Scaffolding?
Yes, villagers can climb scaffolding, but not deliberately. It might climb to the top if it walks into a scaffolding while moving forward. The villager can get stuck if there’s an obstacle at the top, like a closed trapdoor. If the top of a scaffolding is clear, the villager may walk down the ladder.
Although villagers won’t be able to climb scaffolding independently, creative solutions and strategic planning can make navigating Minecraft’s world hassle-free!
Ever wondered how long it takes for villagers to grow up?
Who Can Climb Ladders in Minecraft?
Any mob, including players, can climb a ladder in Minecraft by pushing against it. However, mobs aren’t intelligent enough to intentionally use ladders to reach a specific destination. If a ladder is directly in their path or they happen to turn towards it, they may climb it.

Learn more about mobs in this Minecraft article.
Only pigs, creepers, and zombies can climb ladders in Minecraft on purpose. You can stop Spiders by placing ladders at the top of a 5-block-high wall, causing them to get stuck on the bottom edge.
You can make the wall higher to make spiders repeatedly try to climb, hit the ladder, and fall, eventually causing them damage. Creepers and zombies don’t actively seek out ladders but will climb them if encountered during their wanderings, especially if the player is on top.
What Can Villagers Not Go Through?
Villagers can not go through iron doors and cannot open any type of trapdoor. They cannot open gates or jump over fences. Despite having chests and barrels in their houses, villagers cannot open or take anything from them.
Moreover, villagers, whether in a village or not, never despawn. They don’t flee from Skeletons, Spiders, or Cave Spiders because these hostile mobs don’t target villagers.
Also, farmer villagers don’t automatically turn dirt, grass blocks, or dirt paths into farmland. They also don’t pick up hoes to till the blocks.
Can Minecraft Monsters Climb Ladders?

Yes, Minecraft monsters can climb ladders. But, like mobs, they’re not smart enough to do this intentionally. They’re also very clumsy and will fall off easily, so you shouldn’t worry that much about it.
In Minecraft, monsters are hostile creatures that appear at night or in dark places. They include Zombies, Skeletons, Creepers, Spiders, Witches, Endermen, Husks, Drowned, And Phantoms. Players need to defend themselves against these creatures to survive in the game.
What to Do If Villagers Are Stuck on a Ladder
If villagers are stuck on a ladder, you can place a trapdoor at the top of the ladder or break the first ladder block on the ground. Villagers may try to climb ladders but get stuck in trapdoors. If you open or remove the trapdoors, they climb the ladders but end up stuck on that building floor.

When a villager reaches the top of a ladder, they won’t climb back down. If you want them to go down, push them onto the ladder, and they will automatically descend.
What Other Game Allows Villagers to Climb up Ladders?
The other game that allows villagers to climb up ladders is Animal Crossing. To use ladders, position yourself facing a cliff and stand against it, then take out the ladder as you would with any other tool. Your villager will ascend afterward.
To obtain the ladder in Animal Crossing, you must unlock Nook’s Cranny and start placing new villagers’ houses on your island. To do this, build Nook’s Cranny by providing 30 pieces of each wood type and 30 Iron Nuggets.
You may face a challenge gathering Iron Nuggets quickly, but the Iron Nuggets farm advice can help you get them within a day or two of arriving on the island.
Now that you know how to climb ladders in Animal Crossing as well as how to obtain them, you can enjoy playing it as much as you enjoy playing Minecraft!
What Do Villagers Love in Minecraft?
Villagers do not have a concept of love in Minecraft. But they like collecting bone meal carrots, potatoes, wheat, beetroot, beetroot seeds, bread, and wheat seeds. Villagers are also associated with different professions, each with preferences for specific workstations.
Farmers like composters, librarians prefer lecterns, fishermen are attracted to barrels, shepherds use looms, fletchers use fletching tables, and cartographers like cartography tables. Toolsmiths, weaponsmiths, and armorers have their respective workstations.
Nitwits are unemployed and don’t have a specific preference. Villagers also have bed preferences tied to their workstations. While there’s no concept of love, these preferences affect their daily activities.
What Keeps Villagers Safe in Minecraft?
Fences and tall walls keep villagers safe in Minecraft. Building these prevents monsters from entering. You should also keep the village well-lit to stop monsters from spawning inside. Use torches, lanterns, candles, or other glowing blocks to maintain sufficient light.

If you want a dark area without the risk of monsters spawning, try using normal or moss carpets and half slabs. This keeps the vibe intact while ensuring safety.
Make Villagers Climb Ladders in Minecraft
Encouraging villagers to climb ladders in Minecraft can enhance gameplay. When they do so, they are protected from ground-level threats, enabling them to escape danger.
Using ladders strategically can help guide villagers to specific locations or facilitate their movement within a village, making managing and organizing their activities easier.
The same concept of climbing ladders is also available in Animal Crossing, in case you play that too. Now that you know how to climb ladders in Animal Crossing, you can also try this out anytime.
So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and try building structures that make villagers climb ladders in Minecraft!