13 Game Design Portfolios Examples [That Help You Get Hired]

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Nowadays, getting a job in any field is incredibly tricky and the game design industry is no different. If you are a game designer having a great polished, professional, and striking portfolio will make you stand out from the crowd.

Best Game Design Portfolios

Here’s a list of 13 game design portfolio websites that can give you the inspiration needed to create your portfolio.

13 Best Game Designer Portfolios

1. Hugo Peters

Hugo Peters - Game Portfolio

When you arrive at the homepage of this game designer portfolio, you can instantly see what exactly makes the website so remarkable. The homepage features stunning animations of different video game characters Hugo has developed over the years.

On his website, he has a detailed list of both professional and personal projects he has undertaken throughout his career. The easy construction coupled with the striking visuals creates an unforgettable portfolio experience.

2. Jay Van Hutten

Jay Van Hutten Portfolio

Jay Van Hutten has one of those rare game design portfolio websites that aren’t constructed traditionally. It features a sliding feature that contains all the information needed to know the game designer.

As you slide further, you can see animated glimpses of the different games Jay has developed over the years, coupled with their specifications.

If you want to create a similar sliding effect on your website, you can use fullPage.js.

3. Chau Ho

Chau Ho - Game Designer Portfolio

If you are looking for a sleek and professional game design portfolio example, then you need to check out Chau Ho’s portfolio website.

The website is a great blend of vectors and information and can seamlessly showcase all of Chau Ho’s work on one single page.

The colorful graphics on top of a simple black-and-white background create a stunning contrast and leave a lasting impression.

4. David Shaver

Professional Game Design Portfolio

This portfolio website is neither striking nor extremely professional, but it gets the job done.

These kinds of straightforward portfolios are great for people who don’t want to invest a lot of money and time into their portfolio, but still want their website to be easy to navigate.

Check this portfolio out if you want inspiration to create fun, simple, yet professional website portfolios.

5. Robby Leonardi

Game Design Portfolio Website

This game designer portfolio is guaranteed to turn your frown upside down. It is such a fun take on an interactive portfolio.

The whole website resembles an actual game, and the character simply moves between different levels as you scroll, indirectly providing potential clients and employers with all the information.

If you want to create a similar scrolling effect you can use Scrolling Horizontally With Mouse Wheel Java

Although this website is very well developed and quite brilliantly planned, it is definingly harder to recreate. Nonetheless, it can serve as an inspiration and help you create your own unique and interactive website.

6. Ary Shirazi

Ary Shirazi Designer Portfolio

If you are looking for game design portfolios that are both clean, professional, and easy to navigate while still having an oomph of personality, then you must check out Arashi’s portfolio website.

The home page is rather simple, only featuring a bunch of pictures from different video games, and that works in the website’s favor as it gives depth to other pages on the website, including the portfolio section.

Each game is neatly represented, and when you place the cursor on top of the pictures, you get a summary of the whole game. This is perfect for people who don’t have a lot of time to thoroughly explore the games.

7. Manuel Correia

Game Design Website Example

Manuel Correia’s game design portfolio example takes advantage of colorful posters of games and helps them stand out by putting them on a plain black-and-white background.

The layout of the website is very simple and very easy to navigate, which is why this portfolio works.

You can easily see that Manuel enjoys designing a wide variety of games, and his expertise in both analog and digital games is quite visible just from the homepage. This is definitely a website worth checking out.

8. Gael Baurens

Video Game Design Portfolio

The illustrated picture of Gael himself and the black background with blue and white accents all come together to create a unique and quirky video game design portfolio.

The website is pretty straightforward, all the details are available right on the home page, but the subtle addition like the illustration and movement of the pictures, add a certain depth to the portfolio.

If you are looking for a website that is easy to navigate but still maintains the developer’s unique aesthetics, then you must check this portfolio out.

9. Jack Bromhead

Jack Bromhead Game Designer

The clips taken directly from video games, paired with high-definition pictures, make this game design portfolio example stand out from the rest.

Instead of using tons of words to explain the games, Jack lets the animations, the pictures, as well as those subtle interactive elements speak for themselves and create the ultimate visitor experience.

10. Dean Tate

Game Design Online Portfolio

Dean’s game design online portfolio is constructed differently from the rest of the portfolios on this list.

Instead of providing a simple glimpse of the different projects he has worked on, he explains each of the games in great detail, which can be great if you are looking to capture the attention of a specific client.

11. Renaud Forestie

Creative Game Design Portfolio

This portfolio website looks less like a portfolio and more like a collage of illustrations and animations.

The homepage is so vivid that it instantly sucks in the visitor and lets them experience a multitude of styles almost instantly, and this is the strength of this website.

12. Mathias Takacs

Game Design Portfolio Example

Mathias’s game design website is very similar to Renaud’s. Although it is much less striking in comparison, it is equally brilliant because it showcases his unique art style.

He also has an uncanny ability that lets him morph his art style depending on the theme, and this portfolio does a great job of highlighting that.

13. Heath Smith

Lead Game Designer Portfolio

This portfolio is probably the only website on the list that is constructed with a traditional layout, but that doesn’t mean that this game design portfolio is boring or tacky.

In fact, the website is incredibly well-done, and any visitor is instantly able to experience the different projects the developer has worked on over the years.

Even though there aren’t any interactive elements, colorful images, or flashy animations, the website manages to leave a lasting impression.

What To Include In A Game Design Portfolio?

Elements Of A Game Design Portfolio

There are plenty of things you can include in your portfolio that can make it stand out from the masses. Here are a few things you should consider including:

  • Type of Game Designer. Specify which is your master area: level designer, system designer, combat designer, world builder, puzzle designer, etc.
  • Skillsets By Categories. “Game design” is a broad field. It’s very difficult to demonstrate skills in all areas of it. Focus on one and show your skills in that area.
  • Demo Videos Of Your Completed Games. You probably have developed tons of games, so make sure to include short demo videos of your work in your portfolio.
  • Making-of. Don’t show just the final result. Professionals want to know how you reach your goal. Display all the processes you followed in making your game, character, or level.

Why Do Game Designers Need A Portfolio?

The purpose of a game design portfolio is to show potential employers and clients that you understand the basics of game design and can use your skills to create unique and high-quality games, and can utilize said skills in a team environment.

Don’t misestimate the value of your portfolio. Having a good portfolio that demonstrates that you are good at your work is essential to apply successfully to the companies you want to be hired.

How To Make A Portfolio For A Game Designer?

How To Make A Game Designer Portfolio

It might be hard for you to create an attractive-looking game design portfolio if you have never created one. These steps can help you get started so that you can create a unique and professional portfolio.

Step 1 – Choose Your Best Work

The purpose of a portfolio is to showcase your best work, so before you can start creating your portfolio, you need to figure out what work you want to include.

If you are confused about what to include, then a good rule of thumb is to choose projects that highlight your strengths.

Step 2 – Spruce Up Old Projects

Creating games is hard work, and even if you aren’t particularly proud of a piece, it can still add a lot of character and personality to your portfolio.

So don’t be discouraged and take time to improve older games, clean up their software, and add them to your portfolio.

Step 3 – Find Hosting Sites For Your Projects

Unlike traditional portfolios and resumes, you cannot simply send a PDF version that contains all your games.

You need to find a hosting site for your portfolio so that you can display your games correctly.

You can use Itch.io, GitHub, and even SoundCloud. However, if neither of these sites is working for you, you can try creating your website.

Get The Job of Your Dream With These Portfolio Examples

While game design and development are very popular, there aren’t a lot of people who work in this field. This means that companies prefer choosing well-known names when dealing with bigger projects.

If you wish to compete with these well-known designers, you need to create a portfolio that will impress the clients.

And you will surely be able to do that if you take inspiration from the 13 game design portfolios discussed in this article.

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