Get your activation key


This is your activation key for your extension. An email has been sent to you with further details:

How do I use my extension now?

  • If you are using the Elementor or Gutenberg plugin for WordPress, ignore these steps and follow this instructions instead. Otherwise, keep reading.
  • First you'll have to replace fullpage.min.js for fullpage.extensions.min.js. This file is exactly the same as the fullpage.js one but allows you to use extensions.
  • Then you'll have to include your extension file before fullPage.js as can be seen below:
<script type="text/javascript" src="fullpage..min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="fullpage.extensions.min.js"></script>

To use the activation key you just generated you'll have to add an extra option in your fullPage.js initialization:
new fullpage('#fullpage', {
    Key: ''

Do not forget to add the option to enable the extension. Each extension has different possible values for it, check the documentation for more information. Generally they can be enabled with the default settings by using the `true` value for them:

new fullpage('#fullpage', {
    Key: '',
    : true

For more information check how to use fullPage.js extensions and how to use the activation key.

Which extension do you want to activate?

Introduce the license key that was sent to your email when purchasing the extension:

Oops!! You have an extension license but you do not have yet a fullPage.js Commercial License. Please note that any project/web/app that is not open sourced and compatible with GPLv3 license requieres the use of a Fullpage Commercial License additionally to the extension license you got.

Please check the pricing page to acquire a Fullpage License.

Any question please check the prices frequently answer questions.

You now have activation keys left according to your license

Introduce the domain name in which you will be using the extension
For example,the domain name of "" is "". What about dev/stating domains?

Where will you use it? (Learn more)

Please check the data and then introduce the word "CONFIRM" to confirm you accept the license terms and that you want to use the extension for the specified domain.

Notice you will NOT be eligible for a refund after generating an activation key.
Make sure to try the extension before generating the activation key!
Please read the Refund Terms.
Once activated YOU WON'T BE ABLE to change the domain, only activate new ones if yours is a Professional or Business license.
Any question do not hesitate to contact us.