Banter is crucial in keeping the mood light and funny when playing video games. Knowing some good roasts for Roblox will help you be prepared to tease or stand up to fellow players.
Keep reading to discover over 65 Roblox roasts that make the perfect comeback. These include light-hearted roasts to spark a good laugh and some sentiments that will evoke a not-so-friendly response. Let’s get right into it!

Be careful using these roasts; you don’t want to get banned from Roblox!
How to Roast People on Roblox?
You can roast people on Roblox by using roasts like: “Do u think dis hurts my feelings? D only thing dat hurts is my eyes when im looking at u.” or “u want to be on my level? climb, loser!”.
Here are other ideas to roast people on Roblox:
- do i look like i care
- u big smartn’t
- ur ugli
- im stuck between idk, idc, and idgaf
- u no bad, just loser
- boy u think u funny but look at ya hairline be looking like the mcdonald symbol
- sori if i luk interested, im not
- speek english
- well u look lyk a piece of ugly
- minecraft is better anyweiz
- ur parents must hav been happily married before dey hav u
- you am has very much not brain cells
- i didn’t ask u to speak
- can u make ur roasts less boring?
- is dat how much u envious of me? u keep talking about me
- didn’t know retards can play roblox too until i met u
- ur avatar looks pretty though… pretty ugliii
- got nothing better to do so u roasting ur #1 idol, mate? come i will giv u some autograph
- another player hu knows nothing roast
- thanks love
Savage Good Roasts for Roblox

When another player starts being cruel or offensive towards you, good savage Roblox roasts will put them in place. Savage is all about being hilarious but still as direct as possible. These savage roasts will ensure you have the last laugh.
Here is a list of savage good Roasts for Roblox:
- go get better raps ol’ man
- go get a life man
- real heroes r d 1s hu hav to listen to u all day long
- ur head is so bald i use it as a mirror
- sell ur brain its unused
- i strongly believe u can do better raps if u practice more
- I wud say gud gme but u wud hav to know how to play d game first
- think u can beat me? keep dreaming
- Ur mom be wit’ me tonight, ensure imma stepfather ayooo
- bro is failing
- ive been called worse things, like my name from ur moms mouth
- if ur brain was made of dynamite, u wudn’t even be able to blow ur nose
- giv me a minute – im tryng to think of an insult dats dumb enough for u to understand
- i keep thinking u cant get any dumber, but then u lyk to prove me wrong
- this wil b d first n last roast of d night as weve already used up ur entire vocabulary
Roblox Roasts for Copy and Paste

Copy and paste avatars are everywhere in Roblox. And let’s be frank: their particular avatar style makes it quite easy to roast them. When looking for good roasts for copy and paste, we recommend thinking of roasts for girls, as most of these avatars are used by female players.
Here is a list of good roasts for copy and paste Roblox avatars:
- girl u no bad, just ugly
- r u as ugly as ur avatar
- girl u luk lyk u got plastic surgery but it went wrong
- u so ugly dat u cant get boys in d real world or roblox
- bet u mom so ugly coz u r so ugly
- thats why u single
- u aesthetic barbie wanna be
- im not an astronomer, but im pretty sure the world revolves around the sun, not around u
- u so fat dat d only letters u know in the alphabet are KFC
- if i wanted a dog, i would have bought u
- if i had a face like urs, id sue my parents
- 99% of ur beauty can be removed wid kleenex
If you want to improve your avatar and make it look way cooler, take a look at these 15 top Roblox avatar ideas or these other 27 cool Roblox avatars.
Good Roblox Roasts for Kids

Roblox is a game for all ages, including kids. With this in mind, some roasts will hit the right spot for players under 17, especially if they are still in school. However, remember to be kind and playful when using these jabs on kids.
Here are the good Roblox roasts for kids:
- ur parents hate u
- ur six
- ur adopted
- i wud rap but i decide to be good wid kids
- When you win against them, say: “need more practice kid”
- u hav such a beautiful face for a pile of garbage
- teachers probably sigh when they hear they have u in their class for the school year
- do u fail at school just like how u fail at rapping?
- u r a fart sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake
- dont speak when ur mouth is full
- better not chime in when adults talk
- isn’t it ur bedtime now?
- i bet even ur parents dont like u
- who let u out of ur cage?
- zombies eat brains so ur safe
Rap Battle Roblox Roasts for Friends

I know you love your friends, but hey, who says you can’t roast them? When playing Roblox with people in your inner circle, roasting each other can be an excellent way to strengthen your bond. Well, that is if no one is a butthurt!
So, if you and your allies are in the mood to start a rap battle, here are some excellent roasts:
- did u know ur parents paying me to be ur friend?
- if ur as ugly as ur avatar in real life, i wud stop being ur friend
- i wud like to say that u know how to play this game, but clearly u don’t
- even in roblox, im ur only friend
- most know u as my bestfriend, but gonorrhea doctors know ur patient zero
- if laughter is the best medicine, ur face must be curing the entire world
- we’re bestfriend. im the best, ur the friend
- bestfriends look a like. but ur just a replica of me
- you’re just like math. i hate math
- trying to delete negativity is more difficult when u realize its coming from the people close to u
- you do realize we’re just tolerating you, right?
- you sound better wid ur mouth closed
Throw Good Roasts on Roblox!
Using good roasts for Roblox is an excellent way to laugh between gaming sessions. These comebacks help create a memorable experience between friends. We’ve reviewed the best teases for all the different categories of players.
However, note that not everyone has the same sense of humor; therefore, watch out for the roasts you decide to use on specific players. Have fun spicing up your next Roblox game with the best savage roasts!