Anyone with a bit of creativity can whip up a game on Roblox. Even kids can create simple games with just a little help. Getting a simple game up and running takes as little as fifteen minutes.
If you want to become a game maker, this guide will explain how to make your first game on Roblox. This tutorial will serve you as a starting point if you want to develop more complicated games in the future.

How to Make a Game in Roblox
Here are the steps to make a game on Roblox using your computer:
Note: This guide will explain the basics. To create a more complex game, you will need a working knowledge of Lua Scripting Language. You can get the excellent book “Roblox Game Development in 24 Hours” on Amazon if you want to get serious.
Step 1: Download Roblox Studio App
Navigate to the “Roblox Studio App” and Click “Start Creating.” Wait for the Download screen to appear and click the “Download Studio” button.

Once downloaded, install it.
Step 2: Choose A “Game Template”

To get started, click “New” on the left sidebar. Then, head to the top menu bar and select “Gameplay.” From there, choose a template matching the game type you want to create from the list provided.
Roblox doesn’t allow you to make games from scratch, even if you want. (Most people won’t be able to, though). Instead, it enables you to tweak game templates as much as you like to achieve your desired result.
Step 3: Customize The Template

Tweak your preset choice with many options on the right sidebar and the top menu bar. Your customization will depend on the kind of game you want to make.
Here are some stuff you can do:
- Adding Free Models. Head over to “Model > Toolbox” on the upper part of the studio. On the right side, you can choose from various free models. Be careful when selecting these models, as some have hacks that might ruin your game.
- Adding Parts. Beside the “Toolbox” button, go to “Model > Part” to select the shapes you want to add to your Roblox game. Choose from “Block”, “Sphere”, “Wedge”, “Corner Wedge”, or “Cylinder”.
- Generating a Terrain. You can also decide on what your game’s environment will look like! From the “Home” tab, select “Editor > Terrain Editor”. Then, click the “Generate” tab and choose biomes to apply. Click on “Generate” once you’re done choosing.
Are you finding it hard to get through a game level because of wall obstacles? Check out how to pass throug wallss in Roblox here!
Step 4: Test Your Game
Click on “Test” on the top menu bar. This helps you identify any bugs or errors in your game.

Step 5: Publish Your Game
Click on “File > Publish” to make your Roblox game public. Alternatively, press “Alt + P” (on Windows) or “Command + P” (on Mac).

Roblox admins will vet your game for errors and rule violations. It will be posted on Roblox for the public to play if it receives a positive evaluation.
That’s it. You have just made a game on Roblox!
If this wasn’t enough, I encourage you to read “Roblox Game Development in 24 Hours: The Official Roblox Guide” or Roblox Creator Hub.

Making avatar clothings allows you to get Robux for free. Check this article to find out how it works.
4 Tips For Making Good Roblox Games
Good Roblox games are entertaining and inspiring, yet they engage the player. As a game developer, creating these kinds of games is an iterative process. You get better at giving your game players the best experience.
To help you create great Roblox games, here are a few tips:
- Start With A Visual Representation. It will require a lot of imagination on your part. You should visualize your desired product on a piece of paper. This makes it a lot easier when you are working.
- Organize With Folders. Roblox lets you create Folders that you can use to group the items and parts of your game. This helps you find parts faster and makes your workspace clean.
- Learn Lua Scripting. Taking time to understand how Lua works is an investment you’d be happy to make. It will make your work much easier in Roblox.
- Work In Teams. It helps to simplify the process and makes it very interesting. It also allows your game to achieve the highest level of perfection possible.
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6 Things to Avoid While Making a Roblox Game

The following are beginner mistakes you should avoid when you start building your game in Roblox.
1. Aiming for Perfection on Your First Game
It is common for beginners to start making complex games from their first trial. Making games on Roblox is a long adventure. You won’t get it all at once. You should start with simple games like Obby.
This will allow you to master the fundamentals of the process. Another perfection trap developers fall prey to is overanalyzing the process.
Trying to get everything right on the first trial sets you up for failure or analysis paralysis. Like most things, you would learn better when you make mistakes.
2. Not Planning
Making games on Roblox is akin to an adventure. A plan is like a map; it helps you track the process. Without proper planning, you sure would get lost or confused during the process.
3. Starting New Projects Without Finishing the Current Ones
Any form of game-making is a creative process. Do not yield to the temptation of starting the process of making a new game without completing current projects.
Despite being a common habit among new developers, it ultimately leads to failure.
The best thing is to note new ideas, plan, and get started only when you complete current projects. This will help you keep your focus and make good games.
4. Making Games With Confusing Gameplay
This is quite popular with beginner developers. When players do not understand what to do, they quit the game.
The simple solution is to add a quick game tutorial. Players will understand your game and interact with it more than if you don’t do this.
5. Using Too Many or Too Few Free Models
Free models on Roblox are double-edged swords. You have to be careful not to use too many of them. You should also not avoid them. They are great ways to get you started on becoming an expert.
Free models also save you time and unnecessary difficulties.
Most people advise avoiding free models since many of them contain unwanted scripts. Ensure you check them before using them.
You should also check to see if they match your desired projects.
6. Over-Optimizing to Make Money
Most people create Roblox games to make money.
If done improperly, it affects the quality of your game and chases game players.
Finding the right mix of profit and customer satisfaction is essential to success as a Roblox game developer.
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Does It Cost Money to Make a Roblox Game?

No, building a game on Roblox is free. Simply download and install Roblox Studio on your smartphone. You do not pay for the basic resources required to construct your games.
Roblox operates a pay-after-you-earn model.
All of your initial development, publication, and distribution activities are free. Only when your games generate revenue do you start paying for the resources you utilize.
How Much Can You Earn From a Roblox Game?
Roblox pays you 29 cents for every dollar earned on each of your games. The makers of Adopt Me, the most popular game on Roblox, are estimated to have made more than 11 million US dollars in 2020. You can make a similar amount or more. It depends on how often your game or product is on the platform.
A person who makes a game (or an experience, as Roblox calls it) is called a Developer.
As a developer, you can design games or assets for others to use in their games. To make money, you put up a price on these products so that other Roblox users can access them.
Your earnings depend on how often people interact with your products.
Get Creative and Make More Money
Making Roblox games is an exciting and creative experience.
Now that you have learned how to make a game on Roblox, you can build games on your PC or mobile phone with the Roblox Studio software.
Bring all of your creative ideas to life and share them with others. More so, you stand to earn extra income to improve your quality of life or, even better, transform it.
So what are you waiting for?