How to Scroll Click – Fast & Easy [Guide For Beginners]

Kimanthi Sammy Avatar

In this article, we’ll discuss the scroll click technique—what it is, how to do it, and the risks it can involve.

We’ll also cover other configurations too.

How To Scroll Click on Minecraft

But first, let’s understand what a scroll click is.

What is a Scroll Click?

A scroll click is a technique used by some video game players to speed up the number of clicks per second (CPS) on a game. It consists of binding the scroll wheel up and the scroll wheel down to the left-click or right-click events. It is commonly used in Minecraft.

This technique is well known in some games and public servers usually have anti-cheat systems implemented to detect this technique.

Warning: do not try it out on a public server or you might get banned.

How Do You Scroll Click?

X-Mouse Button Control Software
  1. Download and install the x-mouse button control software (It is free)

  2. Go to the Settings tab and click “Left and wheel down”

X-Mouse Settings - Binding Mouse Wheel to click events

  • Click “Apply or OK” to save your changes.

  • X-Mouse Settings - Accept

      1. Flip your mouse so the mouse wheel faces the table and move it up and down using the mouse wheel as an actual wheel.

    Flipping Mouse To Use Scroll Click

    Additionally, some mouse software provides a way to accomplish the Scroll Click by creating a new macro. So you might want to check out if your software does before downloading x-mouse.

    Mouse Macro Configuration

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    Is Scroll Clicking Bannable?

    Scroll Clicking is bannable if your CPS are considered extremely high. A CPS of more than 25 or 30 can get you banned in many public servers. It’s considered an unfair advantage, an “auto clicker” and a “macro”.

    Scroll Click is considered a cheat

    Scroll clicking belongs to the same group as any other technique using third-party software or macros. It makes the game less fair for those players who are not using this external software. Therefore, it is not allowed.

    How do You Measure Clicks Per Second (CPS)?

    Clicks Per Second Measurement

    There are a few pages you can use for this purpose:

    All will provide you the CPS or clicks per the second measurement. Now, is up to you which one you like more.

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    How to Make Scroll Wheel Left Click

    In case you want to make a scroll wheel left-click, here are tips on how you can do it:

    1. Open the application list.
    2. Click on “Settings“.
    3. Scroll down and click on “Advanced settings“.
    4. Scroll down and click on the “mouse and touchpad“.
    5. Select “Mouse” under devices.
    6. Click on the button. Change mouse wheel settings in the section “Wheel” at the top of the window that opens up.
    7. Click on the first entry (the mouse wheel has a universal scroll in all applications).
    8. Scroll down and click on left-only support scrolling.
    9. Save your new settings by clicking on OK.

    How to Make Scroll Wheel Right Click

    Follow these tips to make a scroll wheel right-click:

    Scroll Wheel Right Click on a PC

    You can use the mouse wheel button to right-click by pressing it like a regular right-click. You can also hold down the alt key while scrolling.

    Scroll Wheel Right Click on a Mac

      1. Click the Apple menu and choose “System Preferences
      2. Click “Mouse” and the trackpad icon to touch the mouse options screen.
      3. Select “secondary click” from the list of options.
      4. Select “Right” from the drop-down menus.
      5. Save your settings

    Steps to Re-map Your Mouse Scroll Wheel Click

    Here are steps to guide you while re-mapping your mouse scroll wheel click:

      1. Open the control panel of the X-mouse button software.
        Make sure you have the latest version installed.
      2. Go ahead and upload a settings file by typing the file’s location in the search box.
      3. Launch the app.
      4. Expand the drop-down menu, which is right before the middle button.
      5. Choose your intended action and then click apply.
      6. Test it.

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