When you purchased the extension you received a file named "How to use it.html". You will find a detailed step-by-step guide on how to use and activate your extension. 

If you are using a fullpage.js extension, you may find out that, once you publish your web, a red message appears in the upper-left corner of your site. This red error banner can show up for the following reasons:

You have not activated yet your fullpage.js extension

Check the documentation on how to activate a fullPage.js extension and how to use them

In order to activate an extension, you have to generate an activation key for a specific domain.

Before doing so we recommend testing them, as once activated you won't be eligible for a refund. Note that all fullPage extensions can be used without being activated. This allows you to fully test them before you decide to link with a specific domain and make your page public.

In order to generate an activation key, you'll have to follow the steps explained here. Then you'll have to add your activation key (when you initialize fullPage) by adding the option [extension]Key.

For example, if you have purchased the FadingEffect extension, you would have to add the following code:

new fullPage('#fullpage', {
    fadingEffect: true,

You are not using the right key for your extension

You may have written down the license key on the [extension]Key option, instead of the activation key. Both keys are different:

  • You get the license key when purchasing any extension.
  • You get the activation key when activating your extension for a particular domain (unless using the Business License). In order to generate it, you need the license key for that particular extension. 

The license key is composed of 4 groups of characters and the activation key has a variable length and no groups. It is important not to confuse each other.


You haven't typed properly the activation key

The activation key has a variable length of characters. Sometimes the final character is a symbol like equal (=) or a question mark (?) When you double-click on the activation key to copy it the last character won't get selected and you might end up pasting an incomplete activation key in your code.

Check again the activation key sent to your email to see if this is your case.

You have not spelled properly the option 'activationKey'

The fullPage option [extension]Key is spelled with a capital 'K' letter. If you write a lowercase 'k' you will get this red banner.

parallaxkey - wrong

parallaxKey - right

You are using the extension on a different domain than the one you activated the extension for

Each activation key is linked to one domain and one domain only (except you are using a business license). If you are trying to use your extension in a different domain, you will get the error.

Remember that once you activate your extension you cannot change it for a new domain or de-activate it. If you want to use it on more domains you'll have to upgrade to the Professional or Business licenses. Of course, you will get the money for your previous license back ;). Just contact us if you want to upgrade.

If you still have problems, try using this online fullPage.js inspector to check your site.

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